Thursday, August 27, 2009

My Jace man...

Sunday afternoons are rapidly becoming my favorite time with my two little boys and my hubby...well for a while longer. I love to spend the time playing with them. Last Sunday, we caught Jace in a particularly good mood...and Kel was fast enough at grabbing the camera. Jace has quite the ticklish spots...

I personally think that there are few sounds sweeter than a baby laughing...and I am a little partial to my little man's laugh...


  1. That is the cutest thing I've ever seen. It made my whole night!!!

  2. Oh my gosh....I will watch that about 4000 times a day!!!!!! What a cutie

  3. Dangit...that last comment was from me...not dave

  4. So cute! I can't believe that you have 2 little ones. p.s. what kind of camera do you have? The quality is amazing!

  5. Jenna, I don't know if I replied.. It is a Cannon 5D. It is a still camera that shoots HD video. It is my hubby's work camera but it takes beautiful pics. I would highly recommend it if you want to make an investment in a camera.
